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Sierra High School Women’s Softball Team advance to Top 8 Tournament!

The Sierra Stallion Softball team are regional champions for the first time in two decades. In the first game the Stallions beat Weld Central 13-3 to secure their spot in the CHSAA State Championships next weekend in Aurora, CO. Stallions then upset the number 4 seed Delta in Game 2 with a 10-3 victory and gained the title of "Regional Champs"!

Sierra HS Softball Regional Champs

The Stallions will now head to the CHSAA State Championships at the Aurora Sports Complex in Aurora, CO. 

Friday, October 20, 2023
3A / 4A / 5A First Round: 
10:00am, 12:15pm   


Salute to Excellence in Education Scholarship & Awards Gala 2023

MES Principal Erika Tunson Receives TheEduCtr Award

Congratulations to Erika Tunson, principal of Monterey Elementary, who was selected to receive the Principal of the Year Award by TheEduCtr.

The award was presented to Erika at the Salute to Excellence in Education Scholarship & Awards Gala, on Saturday, October 14, 2023. This event honored Educators of Color in the State of Colorado who exemplify high standards of excellence in education.  Awards were presented by   Colorado Legislators and leaders in the community.

Congratulations to our own Mr. Dave Jarboe, Director of Instructional Technology and STEAM for D2.

David Jarboe

Dave has been appointed the President Elect of the 2023-2024 CALET (Colorado Association of Leaders in Educational Technology) Board of Directors. Dave will join other school leaders from around the state of Colorado to provide professional development opportunities, influence decision-making concerning educational technology, sharing their expert knowledge and networking with other educational leaders and groups who believe that educational technology is a priority.


Cynthia Jacquet, ASCD's 23 Emerging Leader

ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Directors) is an 80-year-old global education organization focused on empowering educators to advance and elevate learning to meet the needs of all students – equitably and wholly.

Educators seek ASCD to learn about new instructional strategies, grow as individuals, and thrive as professionals. They are the preeminent global leader in professional learning resources for classroom teachers, instructional leaders, principals, and superintendents.

October 14th, 2023, Cynthia Jacquet, Assistant Principal of Sierra High School, was installed as ASCD's 23 Emerging Leader at the ASCD Leadership Summit in Grapevine. TX. She will be formally recognized on March 22-25th, 2023 at the national conference in Washington DC. As part of this selection, Cynthia will be working towards leadership certification and has committed to a long-term leadership pathway for the next two years.

ASCD Class of 2023