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Achievement Data

Harrison School District 2 is dedicated to the mission of graduating college- and career-ready students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors to personally succeed and contribute to the common good.

Student Achievement

School and District Performance Framework (Accreditation)
Accreditation information can be found from the above link, selecting Harrison 2 as the district, then selecting your school of choice, followed by the report you would like to see.

State Performance Snapshot
Quick, at a glance, information on schools' Unified Improvement Planning and School performance framework targets. 

State Accountability Data Explorer
Visual interface for historical growth and achievement data in Colorado's state assessments system. Please see the link for more information. 

Graduation Rate
Visit the Colorado Department of Education webpage for further information on graduation rates.

2020 Colorado Academic Standards
Family and community guides to the Colorado Academic Standards that provide overviews of the learning expectations for preschool through high school.