Billing & Fee Regulation
Online payments not currently accepted
Payments are required ten working days in advance of use. Please pay by check, money order, or cashier’s check made payable to Harrison School District 2 (no cash, please), and mail to:
Harrison School District 2
Attn: Finance Department: Facility Use
1060 Harrison Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80905
No space can be reserved until a contract is signed.
No usage will be allowed until the fee is paid or a payment plan is approved by the Principal or designee.
Fee Regulations
- Custodial: Any organization or individual, regardless of classification, will be required to pay the cost of custodial services if the use of the facility would result in direct costs to the school district. For those facilities where a custodian is regularly on duty during the rental, no additional staffing fees will be charged.
- Utilities: Any organization or individual, regardless of classification, will be required to pay the cost of utilities if the use of the facility is outside normal school day hours of operation and/or on Saturday or Sunday.
- Cafeteria: A school cafeteria manager or other designated cafeteria employee(s) must be present for general supervision of the cafeteria/kitchen. All persons working in the kitchen (preparing food and/or handling kitchen equipment) must meet state and county requirements for school food handlers. The user will pay the district in accordance with the fee schedule for all cafeteria personnel. The user will be given and must abide by a set of guidelines for kitchen use.
- Payment: All users will be expected to pay rental fees in advance. Failure to pay as per agreement may result in denial of access to the facility and future requests being denied. Payment is required by check only and should be made out to “Harrison School District Two”.
- Financial Accountability: It will be the responsibility of the principal to ensure that funds received follow Harrison School District Two accounting processes and procedures.
- Fee Revision: All fees are listed in the accompanying exhibit and are designed to reflect these regulations. These fees are subject to review and revision and may be adjusted annually by the Board.
- Damage Deposits: A damage deposit may be required and will be collected at the time the rental contract is executed. The damage deposit will be retained for any damages incurred. Should any damage occur beyond the damage deposit, renters will be billed for 100% of the cost to repair any damage incurred that was a direct result of their usage. Renters may also be required to hire security for the event.